Conventional icon
Composite-Rigid icon
Discarding-Sabot icon
High-Explosive icon
Anti-Tank icon
Squash-Head icon
Rocket-Propelled icon
Aerial Conventional icon
Aerial Rocket-Propelled icon

IconCategory Name
ModifierProperty Tier
Level Tank damage modifier
Plane damage modifier
269Aerial Conventional iconA-APAerial Conventional000000
270Aerial Rocket-Propelled iconA-RPAerial Rocket-Propelled000000
1Conventional iconAPConventional000000
2Composite-Rigid iconAPCRComposite-RigidComposite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
3Discarding-Sabot iconAPDSDiscarding-SabotDiscarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
4High-Explosive iconHEHigh-ExplosiveBurst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
5Anti-Tank iconHeatAnti-TankMolten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
6Squash-Head iconHeshSquash-HeadShockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
7Rocket-Propelled iconRPRocket-PropelledMulti-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
311A.R.Rocket iconA-RPA.R.RocketSmoke : Decrease target's detection and accuracy
122HE-F (M) iconHEHE-F (M)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
123HE-F (L) iconHEHE-F (L)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
121HE-F (S) iconHEHE-F (S)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
216Heavy HESH-F (L) iconHeshHeavy HESH-F (L)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
139Concave Canister HE-F (L) iconHEConcave Canister HE-F (L)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
215Heavy HESH-F (M) iconHeshHeavy HESH-F (M)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
313A.KB.Rocket iconA-RPA.KB.RocketMulti-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Firing-shotgun :
318A.SR.Rocket iconA-RPA.SR.RocketSmoke : Decrease target's detection and accuracy
138Concave Canister HE-F (M) iconHEConcave Canister HE-F (M)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
12APHE (L) iconAPAPHE (L)High Explosive : Greatly increases firepower, reduces penetration
11APHE (M) iconAPAPHE (M)High Explosive : Greatly increases firepower, reduces penetration
137Concave Canister HE-F (S) iconHEConcave Canister HE-F (S)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
164Concave Shrapnel HE-F (L) iconHEConcave Shrapnel HE-F (L)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
240Rocket-F (L) iconRPRocket-F (L)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
278A.NEF.AP (L) iconA-APA.NEF.AP (L)Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Radical Explosive : Increase combustion chance upon hit
223Modified Heavy HESH-F (L) iconHeshModified Heavy HESH-F (L)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
239Rocket-F (M) iconRPRocket-F (M)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
172HEAT (L) iconHeatHEAT (L)High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
309A.HE.Rocket-HG iconA-RPA.HE.Rocket-HGMulti-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
315A.P.HE.Rocket iconA-RPA.P.HE.RocketHigh Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Substance : Deals higher damage to ground unit
51HECR (L) iconAPCRHECR (L)High Explosive : Greatly increases firepower, reduces penetration
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
130HE-I (L) iconHEHE-I (L)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
133LDHE (L) iconHELDHE (L)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
162Concave Shrapnel HE-F (M) iconHEConcave Shrapnel HE-F (M)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
171HEAT (M) iconHeatHEAT (M)High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
320A.SP.HE.Rocket iconA-RPA.SP.HE.RocketHigh Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Substance : Deals higher damage to ground unit
322A.SKB.Rocket iconA-RPA.SKB.RocketMulti-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Firing-shotgun :
125SSHE (M) iconHESSHE (M)SS : Increases targeting, reduces firepower
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
129HE-I (M) iconHEHE-I (M)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
170HEAT (S) iconHeatHEAT (S)High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
222Modified Heavy HESH-F (M) iconHeshModified Heavy HESH-F (M)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
124SSHE (S) iconHESSHE (S)SS : Increases targeting, reduces firepower
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
128HE-I (S) iconHEHE-I (S)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
132LDHE (M) iconHELDHE (M)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
131LDHE (S) iconHELDHE (S)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
161Concave Shrapnel HE-F (S) iconHEConcave Shrapnel HE-F (S)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
136Concave HE (L) iconHEConcave HE (L)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
271A.APBC iconA-APA.APBCBallistic Cap : Increases targeting
321AG. Guided Missle iconA-RPAG. Guided MissleBurst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
BVR : Lower chance to be found after attack
9APBC (M) iconAPAPBC (M)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
10APBC (L) iconAPAPBC (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
127HCHE (L) iconHEHCHE (L)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
233Modified FSHESH-F (L) iconHeshModified FSHESH-F (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
242Rocket-I (L) iconRPRocket-I (L)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
327A.HA.P.HE.Rocket iconA-RPA.HA.P.HE.RocketHigh Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Substance : Deals higher damage to ground unit
8APBC (S) iconAPAPBC (S)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
25APHEC (L) iconAPAPHEC (L)High Explosive : Greatly increases firepower, reduces penetration
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
47APCRBC (L) iconAPCRAPCRBC (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
82APSSDS (S) iconAPDSAPSSDS (S)Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Spinning : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
135Concave HE (M) iconHEConcave HE (M)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
174LDERAT (L) iconHeatLDERAT (L)Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
312A. Guided Missle iconA-RPA. Guided MissleTo-Air : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling and no DMG reduced during attack
332A.HA.KB.Rocket iconA-RPA.HA.KB.RocketMulti-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Firing-shotgun :
14AP-I (M) iconAPAP-I (M)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
45APCRBC (S) iconAPCRAPCRBC (S)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
46APCRBC (M) iconAPCRAPCRBC (M)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
86Heavy APDS (L) iconAPDSHeavy APDS (L)Heavy : The closer the target, the greater the penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
126HCHE (M) iconHEHCHE (M)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
173LDERAT (M) iconHeatLDERAT (M)Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
241Rocket-I (M) iconRPRocket-I (M)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
310A.N.Rocket-I iconA-RPA.N.Rocket-IMulti-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
13AP-I (S) iconAPAP-I (S)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
85APFSDS (L) iconAPDSAPFSDS (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
134Concave HE (S) iconHEConcave HE (S)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
300High-arc HEDM HE (L) iconHEHigh-arc HEDM HE (L)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
24APHEC (M) iconAPAPHEC (M)High Explosive : Greatly increases firepower, reduces penetration
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
54Tempered APCR (L) iconAPCRTempered APCR (L)Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
83APFSDS (S) iconAPDSAPFSDS (S)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
84APFSDS (M) iconAPDSAPFSDS (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
276A.TF.AP(L) iconA-APA.TF.AP(L)Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
Timer : Operational altitude is less effective
287A.NEF.HEAP(L) iconA-APA.NEF.HEAP(L)Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Radical Explosive : Increase combustion chance upon hit
299High-arc HEDM HE (M) iconHEHigh-arc HEDM HE (M)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
219HESH-T (M) iconHeshHESH-T (M)Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
232Modified FSHESH-F (M) iconHeshModified FSHESH-F (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
53Tempered APCR (M) iconAPCRTempered APCR (M)Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
89Tempered APDS (L) iconAPDSTempered APDS (L)Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
149BBERHE (L) iconHEBBERHE (L)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
179AT-T (L) iconHeatAT-T (L)Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
221HEDM HESH (L) iconHeshHEDM HESH (L)Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
314A.AT.Rocket-W iconA-RPA.AT.Rocket-WMulti-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Secondary Caliber : Ignore target's partial armor and increase Shooting Range
Upper Penetration : Greatly reduce ricochet potential
52Tempered APCR (S) iconAPCRTempered APCR (S)Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
146Concave HE-I (L) iconHEConcave HE-I (L)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
176SSAT (M) iconHeatSSAT (M)Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Spinning : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
178AT-T (M) iconHeatAT-T (M)Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
218Heavy HCHESH (L) iconHeshHeavy HCHESH (L)High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
220HEDM HESH (M) iconHeshHEDM HESH (M)Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
277A.AP-T iconA-APA.AP-TTracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
17AP-T (L) iconAPAP-T (L)Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
88Tempered APDS (M) iconAPDSTempered APDS (M)Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
175SSAT (S) iconHeatSSAT (S)Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Spinning : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
217Heavy HCHESH (M) iconHeshHeavy HCHESH (M)High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
243HC Rocket (L) iconRPHC Rocket (L)High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
244Rocket-T (M) iconRPRocket-T (M)Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
249FS Rocket-F (L) iconRPFS Rocket-F (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
16AP-T (M) iconAPAP-T (M)Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
35HCAPCBC (L) iconAPHCAPCBC (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
High Explosive : Greatly increases firepower, reduces penetration
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
50Carbonized APCR (L) iconAPCRCarbonized APCR (L)Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
87Tempered APDS (S) iconAPDSTempered APDS (S)Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
148BBERHE (M) iconHEBBERHE (M)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
177AT-T (S) iconHeatAT-T (S)Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
246AT Rocket (L) iconRPAT Rocket (L)Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
19APC (L) iconAPAPC (L)Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
49Carbonized APCR (M) iconAPCRCarbonized APCR (M)Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
56APCR-T (L) iconAPCRAPCR-T (L)Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
141Concave HE-T (M) iconHEConcave HE-T (M)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
145Concave HE-I (M) iconHEConcave HE-I (M)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
245AT Rocket (M) iconRPAT Rocket (M)Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
279A.AP-I iconA-APA.AP-IBurning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
15AP-T (S) iconAPAP-T (S)Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
48Carbonized APCR (S) iconAPCRCarbonized APCR (S)Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
248FS Rocket-F (M) iconRPFS Rocket-F (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
18APC (M) iconAPAPC (M)Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
55APCR-T (M) iconAPCRAPCR-T (M)Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
147BBERHE (S) iconHEBBERHE (S)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
59APCRC (L) iconAPCRAPCRC (L)Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
68HECRBC (L) iconAPCRHECRBC (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
High Explosive : Greatly increases firepower, reduces penetration
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
140Concave HE-T (S) iconHEConcave HE-T (S)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
144Concave HE-I (S) iconHEConcave HE-I (S)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
152HEDM HE (L) iconHEHEDM HE (L)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
20APC (S) iconAPAPC (S)Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
90Light APDS (L) iconAPDSLight APDS (L)Guerrilla : Small increase in crit chance and crit damage
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
34HCAPCBC (M) iconAPHCAPCBC (M)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
High Explosive : Greatly increases firepower, reduces penetration
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
58APCRC (M) iconAPCRAPCRC (M)Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
192FSHEAT (L) iconHeatFSHEAT (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
275A.APC iconA-APA.APCCapped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
57APCRC (S) iconAPCRAPCRC (S)Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
91Light APDS (M) iconAPDSLight APDS (M)Guerrilla : Small increase in crit chance and crit damage
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
155Concave HCHE-I (L) iconHEConcave HCHE-I (L)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
160RPBBERHE (L) iconHERPBBERHE (L)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
302MP High-arc HEDM HE (L) iconHEMP High-arc HEDM HE (L)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
151HEDM HE (M) iconHEHEDM HE (M)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
191FSHEAT (M) iconHeatFSHEAT (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
181EFP AT (L) iconHeatEFP AT (L)EFP : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
150HEDM HE (S) iconHEHEDM HE (S)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
154Concave HCHE-I (M) iconHEConcave HCHE-I (M)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
159RPBBERHE (M) iconHERPBBERHE (M)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
180EFP AT (M) iconHeatEFP AT (M)EFP : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
301MP High-arc HEDM HE (M) iconHEMP High-arc HEDM HE (M)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
143Concave HCHE (L) iconHEConcave HCHE (L)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
190FSHEAT (S) iconHeatFSHEAT (S)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
280A.AP-W iconA-APA.AP-WSecondary Caliber : Ignore target's partial armor and increase Shooting Range
30APC-I (M) iconAPAPC-I (M)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
267Chained SAP II (Medium Caliber) iconAPChained SAP II (Medium Caliber)Heavy : The closer the target, the greater the penetration
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Quickfire : Quickfire clip increases damage by a certain percentage
153Concave HCHE-I (S) iconHEConcave HCHE-I (S)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
317A. Guided Missle I iconA-RPA. Guided Missle ITo-Air : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling and no DMG reduced during attack
334A.HA.C.S.Rocket iconA-RPA.HA.C.S.RocketFrangible : Increase damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Cluster Bomb : Potentially strike multiple targets
142Concave HCHE (M) iconHEConcave HCHE (M)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
158RPBBERHE (S) iconHERPBBERHE (S)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
29APC-I (S) iconAPAPC-I (S)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
99Heavy FSDS (L) iconAPDSHeavy FSDS (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Heavy : The closer the target, the greater the penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
187FSAT-T (L) iconHeatFSAT-T (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
261Turbo Rocket-F (L) iconRPTurbo Rocket-F (L)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Turbo : Increases targeting
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
319A.SAT.Rocket-W iconA-RPA.SAT.Rocket-WMulti-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Secondary Caliber : Ignore target's partial armor and increase Shooting Range
Upper Penetration : Greatly reduce ricochet potential
78HECRCBC (L) iconAPCRHECRCBC (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
High Explosive : Greatly increases firepower, reduces penetration
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
303Paired CRCBC (L) iconAPCRPaired CRCBC (L)Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Paired : Has a chance to hit an additional target during Contact
94Carbonized APDS (L) iconAPDSCarbonized APDS (L)Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
157Concave Elongated HCHE-T (M) iconHEConcave Elongated HCHE-T (M)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
23APCBC (L) iconAPAPCBC (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
28APC-T (L) iconAPAPC-T (L)Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
273CRCBCDS(L) iconAPCRCRCBCDS(L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
93Carbonized APDS (M) iconAPDSCarbonized APDS (M)Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
169Active HEDM HE (L) iconHEActive HEDM HE (L)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
184Shaped WSAT (L) iconHeatShaped WSAT (L)Shaped : Shells have a small chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
186FSAT-T (M) iconHeatFSAT-T (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
189BBERAT (L) iconHeatBBERAT (L)Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
290A.HA.NEF.HEAP(L) iconA-APA.HA.NEF.HEAP(L)Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Radical Explosive : Increase combustion chance upon hit
67Tempered CRBC (L) iconAPCRTempered CRBC (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
92Carbonized APDS (S) iconAPDSCarbonized APDS (S)Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
227Modified HEDM HESH (L) iconHeshModified HEDM HESH (L)Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
183Shaped WSAT (M) iconHeatShaped WSAT (M)Shaped : Shells have a small chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
185FSAT-T (S) iconHeatFSAT-T (S)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
226Modified HESH-T (M) iconHeshModified HESH-T (M)Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
260Turbo Rocket-F (M) iconRPTurbo Rocket-F (M)Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Turbo : Increases targeting
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
22APCBC (M) iconAPAPCBC (M)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
156Concave Elongated HCHE-T (S) iconHEConcave Elongated HCHE-T (S)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
188BBERAT (M) iconHeatBBERAT (M)Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
252FS Rocket-I (L) iconRPFS Rocket-I (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
27APC-T (M) iconAPAPC-T (M)Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
95SSLRDS (S) iconAPDSSSLRDS (S)Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Spinning : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
182Shaped WSAT (S) iconHeatShaped WSAT (S)Shaped : Shells have a small chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
207CFS HEAT (L) iconHeatCFS HEAT (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
316A.SN.Rocket-I iconA-RPA.SN.Rocket-IMulti-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
64CRBC-T (L) iconAPCRCRBC-T (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
66Tempered CRBC (M) iconAPCRTempered CRBC (M)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
168Active HEDM HE (M) iconHEActive HEDM HE (M)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
228Modified HEDM HESH (M) iconHeshModified HEDM HESH (M)Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
247FS Rocket-T (M) iconRPFS Rocket-T (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
21APCBC (S) iconAPAPCBC (S)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
98FSLRDS (L) iconAPDSFSLRDS (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
102Tempered FSDS (L) iconAPDSTempered FSDS (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
251FS Rocket-I (M) iconRPFS Rocket-I (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
26APC-T (S) iconAPAPC-T (S)Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
281A.APC-T iconA-APA.APC-TBallistic Cap : Increases targeting
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
63CRBC-T (M) iconAPCRCRBC-T (M)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
65Tempered CRBC (S) iconAPCRTempered CRBC (S)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
97FSLRDS (M) iconAPDSFSLRDS (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
328A.HA.R.Rocket iconA-RPA.HA.R.RocketSmoke : Decrease target's detection and accuracy
101Tempered FSDS (M) iconAPDSTempered FSDS (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
167Active HEDM HE (S) iconHEActive HEDM HE (S)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
206CFS HEAT (M) iconHeatCFS HEAT (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
323AD. Guided Missle iconA-RPAD. Guided MissleBurst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Remote-detonation : Increase crit chance
324A.ML.Rocket iconA-RPA.ML.RocketMulti-Launch : Chance to hit 2 additional targets during Shelling
96FSLRDS (S) iconAPDSFSLRDS (S)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
255FSAT Rocket (L) iconRPFSAT Rocket (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
100Tempered FSDS (S) iconAPDSTempered FSDS (S)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
331AG. Guided Missle II iconA-RPAG. Guided Missle IIBurst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
BVR : Lower chance to be found after attack
70CRCBC (L) iconAPCRCRCBC (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
253ML Rocket (M) iconRPML Rocket (M)Multi-Launch : Chance to hit 2 additional targets during Shelling
41APCBC-I (M) iconAPAPCBC-I (M)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
205CFS HEAT (S) iconHeatCFS HEAT (S)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
250HCFS Rocket (L) iconRPHCFS Rocket (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
254FSAT Rocket (M) iconRPFSAT Rocket (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
341Honeycomb Rocket (M) iconRPHoneycomb Rocket (M)Honeycomb : Increases damage by a certain percentage, but exposes the shooter
Strafing : Medium probability to hit an additional target in CQB
69CRCBC (M) iconAPCRCRCBC (M)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
108Heavy FSLRDS (L) iconAPDSHeavy FSLRDS (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Heavy : The closer the target, the greater the penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
225Modified HCHESH (L) iconHeshModified HCHESH (L)High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
284A.TF.HEAP(L) iconA-APA.TF.HEAP(L)Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
Timer : Operational altitude is less effective
62Carbonized CRBC (L) iconAPCRCarbonized CRBC (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
104Light FSDS (L) iconAPDSLight FSDS (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Guerrilla : Small increase in crit chance and crit damage
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
224Modified HCHESH (M) iconHeshModified HCHESH (M)High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
40APCBC-I (S) iconAPAPCBC-I (S)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
61Carbonized CRBC (M) iconAPCRCarbonized CRBC (M)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
71CRCBC (S) iconAPCRCRCBC (S)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
166Concave Elongated HCHE (L) iconHEConcave Elongated HCHE (L)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
326A. Guided Missle II iconA-RPA. Guided Missle IITo-Air : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling and no DMG reduced during attack
60Carbonized CRBC (S) iconAPCRCarbonized CRBC (S)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
103Light FSDS (M) iconAPDSLight FSDS (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Guerrilla : Small increase in crit chance and crit damage
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
196Tandem AT (M) iconHeatTandem AT (M)Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
MSC : Use of EFP to ignore a small amount of armor
Tandem : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
234Modified RPERHESH (L) iconHeshModified RPERHESH (L)Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
330A.HA.AT.Rocket-W iconA-RPA.HA.AT.Rocket-WMulti-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Secondary Caliber : Ignore target's partial armor and increase Shooting Range
Upper Penetration : Greatly reduce ricochet potential
231Modified FSHESH-T (M) iconHeshModified FSHESH-T (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
258Turbo Rocket-I (L) iconRPTurbo Rocket-I (L)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Turbo : Increases targeting
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
286A.NEF.HEAP iconA-APA.NEF.HEAPRadical Explosive : Increase combustion chance upon hit
335A.R.S.Rocket iconA-RPA.R.S.RocketRocket-launcher :
38APCBC-T (L) iconAPAPCBC-T (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
32Heavy APC (L) iconAPHeavy APC (L)Assault : The closer the target, the greater the penetration
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
165Concave Elongated HCHE (M) iconHEConcave Elongated HCHE (M)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
194Cluster EFP AT (L) iconHeatCluster EFP AT (L)EFP : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
195Tandem AT (S) iconHeatTandem AT (S)Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
MSC : Use of EFP to ignore a small amount of armor
Tandem : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
39QFCBC Mag (S) iconAPQFCBC Mag (S)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Quickfire : Quickfire clip increases damage by a certain percentage
73CRCBC-T (L) iconAPCRCRCBC-T (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
204RPERAT (L) iconHeatRPERAT (L)Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
230SSHESH (L) iconHeshSSHESH (L)SS : Increases targeting, reduces firepower
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
238Modified HEDM FSHESH (L) iconHeshModified HEDM FSHESH (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
31Heavy APC (M) iconAPHeavy APC (M)Assault : The closer the target, the greater the penetration
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
111Tempered FSLRDS (L) iconAPDSTempered FSLRDS (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
193Cluster EFP AT (M) iconHeatCluster EFP AT (M)EFP : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
339Modified RPERHESH (M) iconHeshModified RPERHESH (M)Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
37APCBC-T (M) iconAPAPCBC-T (M)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
80Tempered CRCBC (L) iconAPCRTempered CRCBC (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
345FSHESH Mag (M) iconHeshFSHESH Mag (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Quickfire : Quickfire clip increases damage by a certain percentage
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
257Turbo Rocket-I (M) iconRPTurbo Rocket-I (M)Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Turbo : Increases targeting
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
289A.HA.NEF.HEAP iconA-APA.HA.NEF.HEAPRadical Explosive : Increase combustion chance upon hit
325A.HLN.Rocket-I iconA-RPA.HLN.Rocket-IMulti-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
336A.SPIKE iconA-RPA.SPIKERod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Secondary Caliber : Ignore target's partial armor and increase Shooting Range
Cluster Bomb : Potentially strike multiple targets
74QFCRCBC Mag (S) iconAPCRQFCRCBC Mag (S)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Quickfire : Quickfire clip increases damage by a certain percentage
33Heavy APC (S) iconAPHeavy APC (S)Assault : The closer the target, the greater the penetration
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
72CRCBC-T (M) iconAPCRCRCBC-T (M)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
203RPERAT (M) iconHeatRPERAT (M)Extended-Range : Has longer range than similar weapon
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
229SSHESH (M) iconHeshSSHESH (M)SS : Increases targeting, reduces firepower
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
283A.Tempered.APC iconA-APA.Tempered.APCTempered : Target's armor is less effective
Upper Penetration : Greatly reduce ricochet potential
110Tempered FSLRDS (M) iconAPDSTempered FSLRDS (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
202CFS AT-T (L) iconHeatCFS AT-T (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
237Modified HEDM FSHESH (M) iconHeshModified HEDM FSHESH (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
285A.AP-CW iconA-APA.AP-CWDiscarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
36APCBC-T (S) iconAPAPCBC-T (S)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
329AD. Guided Missle II iconA-RPAD. Guided Missle IIBurst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Remote-detonation : Increase crit chance
79Tempered CRCBC (M) iconAPCRTempered CRCBC (M)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
109Tempered FSLRDS (S) iconAPDSTempered FSLRDS (S)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
274Smart HESH Missile iconHeshSmart HESH MissileShockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
Precision Strike : Reduce partial armor by attacking target's weak spot with precision guidance; Increase CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG
201CFS AT-T (M) iconHeatCFS AT-T (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
256Turbo Rocket-T (M) iconRPTurbo Rocket-T (M)Turbo : Increases targeting
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
264Turbo AT Rocket (L) iconRPTurbo AT Rocket (L)Turbo : Increases targeting
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
338Chain HE-F (S) iconHEChain HE-F (S)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Quickfire : Quickfire clip increases damage by a certain percentage
Frangible : Increase damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
305QFAT Mag (M) iconHeatQFAT Mag (M)Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Quickfire : Quickfire clip increases damage by a certain percentage
81Tempered CRCBC (S) iconAPCRTempered CRCBC (S)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Tempered : Target's armor is less effective
107Carbonized FSDS (L) iconAPDSCarbonized FSDS (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
288A.HA.SAP iconA-APA.HA.SAPTracer : Target being hit has a higher chance of being hit again
200CFS AT-T (S) iconHeatCFS AT-T (S)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Tracer : Increases the target's chance to be targeted more often
265LPE Guided Rocket (Heavy calibre) iconRPLPE Guided Rocket (Heavy calibre)Turbo : Increases targeting
Precision Strike : Reduce partial armor by attacking target's weak spot with precision guidance; Increase CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG
296A.S.AP(L) iconA-APA.S.AP(L)Frangible : Increase damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased
Cluster Bomb : Potentially strike multiple targets
333A.HK.ML.Rocket iconA-RPA.HK.ML.RocketMulti-Launch : Chance to hit 2 additional targets during Shelling
106Carbonized FSDS (M) iconAPDSCarbonized FSDS (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
263Turbo AT Rocket (M) iconRPTurbo AT Rocket (M)Turbo : Increases targeting
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
199Shaped WSFSAT (L) iconHeatShaped WSFSAT (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Shaped : Shells have a small chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
262MLFS Rocket (M) iconRPMLFS Rocket (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit 2 additional targets during Shelling
344Rotary Multi-Barrel APC (S) iconAPRotary Multi-Barrel APC (S)Quickfire : Quickfire clip increases damage by a certain percentage
Rotary Cannon : Ignores a portion of target's Armor for a long time
Paired : Has a chance to hit an additional target during Contact
342FS Honeycomb Rocket (M) iconRPFS Honeycomb Rocket (M)Honeycomb : Increases damage by a certain percentage, but exposes the shooter
Strafing : Medium probability to hit an additional target in CQB
105Carbonized FSDS (S) iconAPDSCarbonized FSDS (S)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
198Shaped WSFSAT (M) iconHeatShaped WSFSAT (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Shaped : Shells have a small chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
272DECAP Missile (Large Caliber) iconHeatDECAP Missile (Large Caliber)Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Precision Strike : Reduce partial armor by attacking target's weak spot with precision guidance; Increase CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG
259Turbo HC Rocket (L) iconRPTurbo HC Rocket (L)Turbo : Increases targeting
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Multi-Launch : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
282A.HEAP-I iconA-APA.HEAP-IMolten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
343Paired APCBC (L) iconAPPaired APCBC (L)Assault : The closer the target, the greater the penetration
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Paired : Has a chance to hit an additional target during Contact
112QFLR Mag (S) iconAPDSQFLR Mag (S)Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Quickfire : Quickfire clip increases damage by a certain percentage
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
197Shaped WSFSAT (S) iconHeatShaped WSFSAT (S)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Shaped : Shells have a small chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
298A.LF.Rocket iconA-APA.LF.RocketPrecision Strike : Reduce partial armor by attacking target's weak spot with precision guidance; Increase CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG
117Light FSLR (L) iconAPDSLight FSLR (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Guerrilla : Small increase in crit chance and crit damage
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
209CFS Tandem AT (M) iconHeatCFS Tandem AT (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
MSC : Use of EFP to ignore a small amount of armor
Tandem : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
308Laser-guided Fragment HE (L) iconHELaser-guided Fragment HE (L)Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling
Precision Strike : Reduce partial armor by attacking target's weak spot with precision guidance; Increase CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG
266Chained APC (Medium Caliber) iconAPChained APC (Medium Caliber)Quickfire : Quickfire clip increases damage by a certain percentage
Secondary Caliber : Ignore target's partial armor and increase Shooting Range
116Light FSLR (M) iconAPDSLight FSLR (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Guerrilla : Small increase in crit chance and crit damage
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
307Cased APHE (L) iconAPCased APHE (L)Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Secondary Caliber : Ignore target's partial armor and increase Shooting Range
208CFS Tandem AT (S) iconHeatCFS Tandem AT (S)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
MSC : Use of EFP to ignore a small amount of armor
Tandem : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
297A.M.AP-W iconA-APA.M.AP-WSecondary Caliber : Ignore target's partial armor and increase Shooting Range
Upper Penetration : Greatly reduce ricochet potential
Rotary Cannon : Ignores a portion of target's Armor for a long time
44Heavy APCBC (L) iconAPHeavy APCBC (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Assault : The closer the target, the greater the penetration
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
236Modified HCFSHESH (L) iconHeshModified HCFSHESH (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
42Heavy APCBC (M) iconAPHeavy APCBC (M)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Assault : The closer the target, the greater the penetration
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
77Carbonized CRCBC (L) iconAPCRCarbonized CRCBC (L)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
211Cluster SADARM (L) iconHeatCluster SADARM (L)EFP : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
295A.HA.NEF.HEAP(L)  iconA-APA.HA.NEF.HEAP(L) Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
Timer : Operational altitude is less effective
235Modified HCFSHESH (M) iconHeshModified HCFSHESH (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective
Shockwave : Increases critical chance by decreasing critical damage
43Heavy APCBC (S) iconAPHeavy APCBC (S)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Assault : The closer the target, the greater the penetration
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
76Carbonized CRCBC (M) iconAPCRCarbonized CRCBC (M)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
210Cluster SADARM (M) iconHeatCluster SADARM (M)EFP : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
268Pod Rapid-fire APHE iconHEPod Rapid-fire APHEBurst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor
Dense Ammo : Increase damage at close range; Reduce damage at ranged, and it might attack one more target
75Carbonized CRCBC (S) iconAPCRCarbonized CRCBC (S)Ballistic Cap : Increases targeting
Capped : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Composite Rigid : The closer the target, the greater the firepower
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
115Carbonized FSLRDS (L) iconAPDSCarbonized FSLRDS (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
294A.HA.Tempered.APC iconA-APA.HA.Tempered.APCTempered : Target's armor is less effective
Upper Penetration : Greatly reduce ricochet potential
Id IconCategory Name ModifierProperty Tier Level Tank damage modifier Plane damage modifier Firepower Penetration Targeting Evasion Detection Stealth
114Carbonized FSLRDS (M) iconAPDSCarbonized FSLRDS (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
113Carbonized FSLRDS (S) iconAPDSCarbonized FSLRDS (S)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Hardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
293A.HA.AP-CW iconA-APA.HA.AP-CWHardened : Affected by target's armor, low armor targets preferred
Secondary Caliber : Ignore target's partial armor and increase Shooting Range
214Shaped CFS WSAT (L) iconHeatShaped CFS WSAT (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Shaped : Shells have a small chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
306Paired CFS HEAT (M) iconHeatPaired CFS HEAT (M)Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Paired : Has a chance to hit an additional target during Contact
120FSLRDS (L) iconAPDSFSLRDS (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Long-Rod : Ignores more armor than regular APDS
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
292A.HA.HEAP-I iconA-APA.HA.HEAP-IMolten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
213Shaped CFS WSAT (M) iconHeatShaped CFS WSAT (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Shaped : Shells have a small chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
119FSLRDS (M) iconAPDSFSLRDS (M)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Long-Rod : Ignores more armor than regular APDS
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
212Shaped CFS WSAT (S) iconHeatShaped CFS WSAT (S)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Shaped : Shells have a small chance to ignite targets without penetrating them.
Molten : Ignited targets take drastically increased fire
118FSLRDS (S) iconAPDSFSLRDS (S)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Long-Rod : Ignores more armor than regular APDS
Discarding Sabot : Penetrator rod ignores a portion of target's armor
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
304Ballistic FSLRDS (M) iconAPDSBallistic FSLRDS (M)Long-Rod : Ignores more armor than regular APDS
Rod-Cap : Reduces ricochet chance against specialised armors
Shelling-aimed : Not affected by range-dependent debuffs
291A.SK.VEAP iconA-APA.SK.VEAPIgnition : Increase fire damage when penetrating target
337High-density FSLRDS (L) iconAPDSHigh-density FSLRDS (L)Fin Stabilized : Increases targeting, reduces penetration
Long-Rod : Ignores more armor than regular APDS
Self-sharpening : Better ricochet chance reduction and has a high chance to ignite penetrated targets