2B1 Oka Lyudmila · Levichenko

Last updated : 2024-03-31 00:57:48
Profile updated to game version :

Portrait of 2B1 Oka

spg category 2B1 Oka
rossiya flag Lyudmila · Levichenko


Category Self-Propelled Gun
Armor Light
Nation Rossiya
Rarity Gold
Blueprint Rank N6
Live2D Not available

nursing talent icon Nursing 2
artistry talent icon Artistry 2

Basic equipment slots
turret slot mod slot internal slot internal slot carriage slot special slot special slot

Additionnal Raid slots
A.T.E. slot

Additionnal Fate slots

he shell [HE] High-Explosive

Attributes :

value at level 1
+ increase per level
value at level 99
Attribute's icon Attribute's name
Rank in SPG category for this attribute (87 vehicles in this category)
Click here to see rankings

Δ ± deviation from the median value for this attribute at level 99
Firepower icon Firepower
Ranked 1
Δ +639
Penetration icon Penetration
Ranked 1
Δ +496
Targeting icon Targeting
Ranked 11
Δ -10
1 026
Durability icon Durability
Ranked 1
Δ +1054
Armor icon Armor
Ranked 1
Δ +376
Evasion icon Evasion
Ranked 19
Δ -30
Stealth icon Stealth
Ranked 15
Δ -35
Detection icon Detection
Ranked 9
Δ +5
Fire resistance
18 Δ -8
Critical resistance
13 Δ -4
Critical defense
10 Δ -6

Active Skills :

Chassis properties
angled chassis bonus Angled
Immune to [Broad] terrain effect : [Plains]
[Plains] During Shelling stage, Firepower is drastically reduced
treads chassis bonus Treads
Immune to [Snowy] terrain effect : [Snow]
[Snow] Troughout the battle, Evasion is reduced
Engine properties
c_proof engine bonus C proof
Immune to [Cold] terrain effect : [Snow]
[Snow] Troughout the battle, Damage received is increased
s_proof engine bonus S proof
Immune to [Steep] terrain effect : [Hills]
[Hills] Starting from contact stage, Evasion is drastically reduced
Tech rank
Tier 1
CP HT Engine icon
C_proof's icon S_proof's icon CP HT Engine
Durability icon 520 Evasion icon 40
Tech rank
Tier 2
CP HT Engine II icon
C_proof's icon S_proof's icon CP HT Engine II
Durability icon 1180 Evasion icon 75
Tech rank
Tier 3
CP HT Engine III icon
C_proof's icon S_proof's icon CP HT Engine III
Durability icon 1840 Evasion icon 115
Tech rank
Tier 1
Infantry Chassis icon
Angled's icon Treads's icon Infantry Chassis
Durability icon 200 Firepower icon 100 Targeting icon 25
Tech rank
Tier 2
Infantry Chassis II icon
Angled's icon Treads's icon Infantry Chassis II
Durability icon 965 Firepower icon 300 Targeting icon 70
Tech rank
Tier 3
Infantry Chassis III icon
Angled's icon Treads's icon Infantry Chassis III
Durability icon 1295 Firepower icon 520 Targeting icon 120
Tech rank
Tier 1
Light Rolled Riveted Armor icon
Riveted's icon Light Rolled Riveted Armor
Armor icon 45 Evasion icon 25
Tech rank
Tier 1
Light Hardened Riveted Armor icon
Hardened's icon Riveted's icon Light Hardened Riveted Armor
Armor icon 70 Evasion icon 25
Tech rank
Tier 1
Light Composite Armor icon
Composite's icon Light Composite Armor
Armor icon 175 Evasion icon 10
Tech rank
Tier 1
Light Tempered Upgraded armor icon
Tempered's icon Light Tempered Upgraded armor
Armor icon 95 Evasion icon 35 Stealth icon 30
Tech rank
Tier 2
Light Rolled Riveted Armor II icon
Riveted's icon Light Rolled Riveted Armor II
Armor icon 145 Evasion icon 70
Tech rank
Tier 2
Light Hardened Riveted Armor II icon
Hardened's icon Riveted's icon Light Hardened Riveted Armor II
Armor icon 195 Evasion icon 65
Tech rank
Tier 2
Light Composite Armor II icon
Composite's icon Light Composite Armor II
Armor icon 360 Evasion icon 20
Tech rank
Tier 2
Light Tempered Upgraded Armor II icon
Tempered's icon Light Tempered Upgraded Armor II
Armor icon 190 Evasion icon 65 Stealth icon 45
Tech rank
Tier 3
Light Rolled Riveted Armor III icon
Riveted's icon Light Rolled Riveted Armor III
Armor icon 240 Evasion icon 115
Tech rank
Tier 3
Light Hardened Riveted Armor III icon
Hardened's icon Riveted's icon Light Hardened Riveted Armor III
Armor icon 335 Evasion icon 105
Tech rank
Tier 3
Light Tempered Upgraded Armor III icon
Tempered's icon Light Tempered Upgraded Armor III
Armor icon 290 Evasion icon 100 Stealth icon 60
Tech rank
Tier 3
Light Composite Armor III icon
Composite's icon Light Composite Armor III
Armor icon 540 Evasion icon 30
[HE] High-Explosive
Tech rank
Tier 1
HCHE (L) icon
Level 3
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective HCHE (L)
Firepower icon300Penetration icon75
Range 13920
Tech rank
Tier 1
HE-I (L) icon
Level 4
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them. HE-I (L)
Firepower icon455Penetration icon50
Range 13920
Tech rank
Tier 1
Concave HE (L) icon
Level 6
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor Concave HE (L)
Firepower icon560Penetration icon70Targeting icon45
Range 13920
Tech rank
Tier 2
Concave HCHE (L) icon
Level 3
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor High Explosive : Target's armor is less effective Concave HCHE (L)
Firepower icon805Penetration icon190Targeting icon75
Range 13920
Tech rank
Tier 3
Concave HCHE-I (L) icon
Level 1
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor Burning Agent : Shells have a chance to ignite targets without penetrating them. Concave HCHE-I (L)
Firepower icon1575Penetration icon160Targeting icon110
Range 13920
Tech rank
Tier 3
Concave Shrapnel HE-F (L) icon
Level 4
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor Frangible : Increases damage against infantry, if no infantry left then crit rate increased Concave Shrapnel HE-F (L)
Firepower icon2255Penetration icon35Targeting icon125
Range 13920
Tech rank
Tier 3
Active HEDM HE (L) icon
Level 6
Burst : Applies a debuff that reduces the target's armor Fragment : Chance to hit an additional target during Shelling Active HEDM HE (L)
Firepower icon1810Penetration icon225Targeting icon25
Range 13920

Illustration :

Main Illustration

2B1 Oka illustration

Skin illustration

2B1 Oka skin illustration
Method 1
Require Commander level
Dogtag image

x 55

Resource image

x 556

Blueprint image

Blueprint N6
x 43

Suppressor image

S 6

Carriage image

x 1

Silver image

x 6 645 000

Method 2
Require Commander level
Dogtag image

x 242

Resource image

x 556

Blueprint image

Blueprint N6
x 43

Suppressor image

S 6

Carriage image

x 1

Silver image

x 6 645 000

dirt streets's icon
Dirt streets

Adequate equipment : 0 out of 3

- Penetration
- Detection
- Critical resistance

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low]

rocky streets's icon
Rocky streets

Adequate equipment : 0 out of 3

- Armor
- Targeting
- Critical resistance

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light]

snow streets's icon
Snow streets

Adequate equipment : 2 out of 3

- Critical resistance

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light]

grass forest's icon
Grass forest

Adequate equipment : 0 out of 1

- Firepower

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front]

dirt forest's icon
Dirt forest

Adequate equipment : 0 out of 3

- Penetration
- Detection
- Firepower

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front]

rocky forest's icon
Rocky forest

Adequate equipment : 0 out of 3

- Armor
- Targeting
- Firepower

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front]

snow forest's icon
Snow forest

Adequate equipment : 2 out of 3

- Firepower

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front]

grass hills's icon
Grass hills

Adequate equipment : 1 out of 1

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front]

desert hills's icon
Desert hills

Adequate equipment : 1 out of 3

- Damage received
- Fire resistance

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof]

desert plains's icon
Desert plains

Adequate equipment : 1 out of 3

- Damage received
- Fire resistance

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof]

desert valley's icon
Desert valley

Adequate equipment : 0 out of 3

- Damage received
- Fire resistance
- Stealth

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent]

rocky valley's icon
Rocky valley

Adequate equipment : 0 out of 3

- Armor
- Targeting
- Stealth

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent]

snow valley's icon
Snow valley

Adequate equipment : 2 out of 3

- Stealth

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent]

grass plains's icon
Grass plains

Adequate equipment : 1 out of 1

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent]

dirt plains's icon
Dirt plains

Adequate equipment : 1 out of 3

- Penetration
- Detection

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent]

snow plains's icon
Snow plains

Adequate equipment : 3 out of 3

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent]

crushed ice streets's icon
Crushed ice streets

Adequate equipment : 1 out of 3

- Targeting
- Critical resistance

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent]

shoals forest's icon
Shoals forest

Adequate equipment : 0 out of 3

- Damage received
- Detection
- Firepower

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent]

shoals hills's icon
Shoals hills

Adequate equipment : 1 out of 3

- Damage received
- Detection

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent]

muddy snow forest's icon
Muddy snow forest

Adequate equipment : 1 out of 3

- Penetration
- Firepower

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent]

crushed ice valley's icon
Crushed ice valley

Adequate equipment : 1 out of 3

- Targeting
- Stealth

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent]

rocky desert plains's icon
Rocky desert plains

Adequate equipment : 1 out of 3

- Armor
- Fire resistance

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent]

rocky desert streets's icon
Rocky desert streets

Adequate equipment : 0 out of 3

- Armor
- Fire resistance
- Critical resistance

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent]

river hills's icon
River hills

Adequate equipment : 1 out of 3

- Fire resistance
- Penetration

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent] [moisture counter] [buoyant]

river streets's icon
River streets

Adequate equipment : 0 out of 3

- Fire resistance
- Penetration
- Critical resistance

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent] [moisture counter] [buoyant]

river valley's icon
River valley

Adequate equipment : 0 out of 3

- Fire resistance
- Penetration
- Stealth

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent] [moisture counter] [buoyant]

spore plains's icon
Spore plains

Adequate equipment : 1 out of 3

- Probably fail to attack
- Critical resistance

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent] [moisture counter] [buoyant] [energized] [brisk]

spore valley's icon
Spore valley

Adequate equipment : 0 out of 3

- Probably fail to attack
- Critical resistance
- Stealth

Missing: [rear] [w proof] [low] [tires] [light] [front] [d proof] [h proof] [silent] [moisture counter] [buoyant] [energized] [brisk]


From Quote
Intro Hello, I'm Lyudmila Levichenko, was responsible for base defense. The heavy consumption of my attire caused that the maintenance needs a lot of money. If you do not care about the cost, I can also go to the front with you. Let me destroy the enemy defenses.
Main screen #1
Main screen #2
Main screen #3
Main screen #4
Main screen #5
Main screen #6
On upgrade
Pre-attack #1
Pre-attack #2
Pre-attack #3
On attack #1
On attack #2
On attack #3
On attack #4
On attack #5
On attack #6
On attack #7
Getting hit
Upon destruction
Assignation to a squad
Adding essential equipment #1
Adding essential equipment #2
Adding essential equipment #3
Adding essential equipment #4
Adding equipment to a slot #1
Adding equipment to a slot #2
Adding equipment to a slot #3
Unequip all gear
Battle victory #1
Battle victory #2
Battle victory #3
Battle loss
Fate It shames me a bit to be able to receive the valuable reward, even if I haven't made outstanding contributions. I will do my best to execute your orders, even if I have to go through fire and water. But the maintenance cost of my attire ...... Hehehe