M7B2 Priest Eno Zamperini
This page requires WebGL to work. (Go here and click on 'Press here to detect WebGLRenderingContext' button to check if your broswer can use WebGL)
This page may also be slow to load and you may have to scroll a bit down to see the live2D vehicle.
This page works great on Internet Explorer > 9, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome (PC & Smartphone versions) and some others broswers.
This page partially works on Firefox (You cannot zoom in/out).
This page does not work on Opera.
This page may also be slow to load and you may have to scroll a bit down to see the live2D vehicle.
This page works great on Internet Explorer > 9, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome (PC & Smartphone versions) and some others broswers.
This page partially works on Firefox (You cannot zoom in/out).
This page does not work on Opera.
Mousewheel to zoom in/out.
Left click to interact.
Use the area outside the blue box to scroll on this page if you are using your mousewheel (using the mousewheel in the blue box will only zoom in/out the Live2D render).
Left click to interact.
Use the area outside the blue box to scroll on this page if you are using your mousewheel (using the mousewheel in the blue box will only zoom in/out the Live2D render).
Expressions :
Motions : This is currently a work in progress, when the attack motion is loaded, you will have to reload this page if you want to get the original idle motion/pose. (Try to clear the browser cache if the attack motion doesn't work)
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